The Online Developer’s Journey at VCC

(Time to Read: < 1 min.)

As Online Devel­op­ers at VCC, we are ded­i­cat­ed to empow­er­ing instruc­tors to cre­ate dynam­ic and effec­tive learn­ing envi­ron­ments. We col­lab­o­rate close­ly with fac­ul­ty and instruc­tion­al asso­ciates to ensure that our edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams align with the col­lege’s strate­gic goals while also sup­port­ing stu­dent suc­cess. Facil­i­tat­ing work­shops and “mini design sprints” allows us to share inno­v­a­tive teach­ing strate­gies and best prac­tices that can trans­form the edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ence. Addi­tion­al­ly, we active­ly con­tribute to qual­i­ty assur­ance by con­duct­ing Moo­dle course audits to main­tain high stan­dards across our pro­grams.

Our mis­sion is to enhance online course design by mak­ing it more inclu­sive and acces­si­ble through the pro­mo­tion of Uni­ver­sal Design for Learn­ing (UDL) prin­ci­ples. We work with instruc­tors to ensure that course con­tent is clear, well-orga­nized, and acces­si­ble to all stu­dents, regard­less of their back­grounds or abil­i­ties. Stay­ing updat­ed on emerg­ing trends and tech­nolo­gies is also a key aspect of our role, as we help edu­ca­tors eval­u­ate and imple­ment new tools that enrich teach­ing and learn­ing. Our ulti­mate goal is to cre­ate engag­ing, acces­si­ble learn­ing envi­ron­ments that sup­port every stu­den­t’s jour­ney.

(Hei­di Parisot­to and Vene­cia Williams are sea­soned VCC Instruc­tors who pro­vide their exper­tise in UDL and online course design in their roles as Online Devel­op­ers in VCC’s Cen­tre for Teach­ing, Learn­ing, and Research.)

Online Developers

As part of VCC's Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Research, Online Developers (ODevs) support departments and faculty to plan and create online and blended courses and activities.

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