AI Insight: AI tools to improve elearning content

(Time to Read: 5 mins.)

This series of arti­cles on Gen­er­a­tive Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence cov­ers best prac­tices, projects, and tools in use at Van­cou­ver Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, and how the Cen­tre for Teach­ing, Learn­ing, and Research (CTLR) is sup­port­ing and guid­ing the use of GenAI in elearn­ing devel­op­ment.

Even with my cyn­ic’s hat firm­ly affixed to my skull (see my ear­li­er AI post), I haven’t been able to avoid using GenAI tools to enhance con­tent for our online cours­es.

Here are some exam­ples where I’ve used AI to gen­er­ate or enhance con­tent for elearn­ing projects at VCC.

This Persona Does Not Exist

In the last year alone, the qual­i­ty of syn­thet­i­cal­ly-gen­er­at­ed images of peo­ple has con­tin­ued to improve marked­ly. Month upon month, it has become dif­fi­cult for me to tell the dif­fer­ence between false and real peo­ple in online images. It’s kind of mad­den­ing that this arti­fi­cial real­ism is start­ing to grow beyond the “uncan­ny val­ley” lev­el.

Image cred­it: Max Ros­er — (CC BY 4.0)

In the past, I have used to grab real­is­tic images of peo­ple’s faces when design­ing Agile Per­sonas for soft­ware design. To cre­ate Per­sonas, I need­ed to cre­ate one-page descrip­tions of typ­i­cal users who would be the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of a design project. I want­ed faces that were real­is­tic enough to induce empa­thy for the design­ers and stake­hold­ers, but I did­n’t want to use real peo­ple’s faces I found on the Inter­net.

Reviving old Videos through Upscaling

I’m not such a big fan of using GenAI for con­tent cre­ation. I much pre­fer using tools where AI’s fum­bling fin­ger­prints may be hard­er to notice. For exam­ple, I’ve used an AI-dri­ven video upscal­ing tool at to scale-up old edu­ca­tion­al demon­stra­tion videos. To bring a twen­ty-year-old SD res­o­lu­tion video (e.g. 480x360 pix­els) clos­er to mod­ern HD res­o­lu­tions, AI tools basi­cal­ly intro­duce new pix­els to dou­ble the video’s width and height. In this case, the end-prod­uct becomes 960x720 pix­els, which is pret­ty close to the 720P HD stan­dard, much sharp­er in detail, and less “noisy” or grainy in appear­ance.

In the upscaled video (on the right), folds of cloth­ing and mechan­i­cal edges look crisp, facial fea­tures and let­ter­ing, not so much. (VCC Auto Col­li­sion pro­gram)

The results aren’t per­fect, but they can be pret­ty usable. In the upscaled end-prod­uct, objects with straight edges end up look­ing fan­tas­ti­cal­ly crisp, but human fea­tures do not always resem­ble their orig­i­nal own­ers (look at mouths and eyes, espe­cial­ly). Let­ter­ing in sig­nage or graph­i­cal titles also tend to lose their styling.

The AI behind the image upscal­ing does its best to inter­po­late pat­terns of pix­els to increase the spa­tial res­o­lu­tion of the video, but noth­ing in it actu­al­ly “knows” if its new pix­els are accu­rate­ly ren­der­ing the con­tour of a per­son­’s mouth or eyes. To the image upscal­ing AI, an edge is just an edge and it’s all just a bunch of pix­els that need trans­form­ing.

I’ve now done this for over one hun­dred Auto Col­li­sion and Refin­ish­ing (ACR) demo videos at VCC. I will like­ly be doing sim­i­lar upscal­ing for at least six­ty more videos to come. In this case, the ACR instruc­tor’s local­ly-made video con­tent is extreme­ly use­ful to their pro­gram. They also deter­mined that shoot­ing new HD ver­sions would take them too long, and it was also not pos­si­ble to find equiv­a­lent videos to license from oth­er ven­dors or pub­lish­ers.

Upscal­ing old videos this way isn’t an ide­al solu­tion, but it can be a use­ful com­pro­mise, giv­ing you bet­ter-qual­i­ty video rel­a­tive­ly quick­ly, and buy­ing your instruc­tors and con­tent devel­op­ers extra time to pre­pare for the inescapable day when they will need to record new demon­stra­tion videos.

Cleaning and Sharpening Audio Narration

AI-dri­ven audio enhance­ment can work along the same lines, remov­ing back­ground noise from an audio track to make human voic­es loud­er and more dis­tinct. AI helps to rec­og­nize pat­terns of sound that belong to a human nar­ra­tor so that they can be made loud­er and sharp­er, and so that back­ground noise can be de-empha­sized and squelched down. (Improv­ing the clar­i­ty of voice nar­ra­tion, whether by record­ing with bet­ter micro­phones or by using AI-dri­ven audio pro­cess­ing, can also result in a video’s closed cap­tions being more accu­rate.)

Adobe’s Pod­cast audio enhance­ment tool, Enhance Speech, is a free AI fil­ter for clean­ing up spo­ken audio. It pro­vides very good audio clean-up qual­i­ty. I’ve used it to cre­at­ed eas­i­er-to-hear audio from video record­ings tak­en in loud con­fer­ence rooms where every­one is talk­ing at the same time, but we real­ly want to hear what the pre­sen­ter is say­ing.

Text to Speech: Using Synthetic Narrators

Video often ben­e­fit from hav­ing spo­ken nar­ra­tion, but cir­cum­stances some­times make it too dif­fi­cult or time-con­sum­ing to record a live voice record­ing.

To edu­cate users about using VCC’s WeB­WorK math home­work plat­form, I had pre­vi­ous­ly made ten tuto­r­i­al videos. I orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed them as “silent movies” with­out any spo­ken nar­ra­tion, in order to reduce my pro­duc­tion time. How­ev­er, months lat­er, I decid­ed that those videos real­ly need­ed spo­ken nar­ra­tion help to fill-in the gaps in the nar­ra­tive and to “human­ize” the pre­sen­ta­tion. The prob­lem was that I was super busy, my office space was a busy place, and it would be incon­ve­nient to book a qui­et room to record audio for all ten videos.

I end­ed up try­ing out a syn­thet­ic text-to-speech tool inside the video edi­tor (This tool may be bun­dled with Win­dows 10 or 11.) I used a free account in the web edi­tion, and signed in using my email address and a cus­tom pass­word.

I picked a male voice named “Ste­fan”, which had good inflec­tion and sound­ed nat­ur­al enough for the video con­tent. I’ll let Ste­fan speak for him­self:

A sam­ple of the “Ste­fan” AI nar­ra­tor voice, from

I admit that to my ear, Ste­fan sounds a lit­tle bit like a dis­af­fect­ed nephew of Wern­er Her­zog, but the enun­ci­a­tion and inflec­tion of the voice are very good, and the over­all audio qual­i­ty is absolute­ly pris­tine. There is no back­ground noise of any kind between his words because it is syn­thet­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed. Silence is silence. I think it would be almost impos­si­ble to get a live micro­phone record­ing to have zero sound between the speak­er’s words, unless you had a sound-proof booth and a real­ly nice micro­phone (none of which we have here).

In anoth­er use of this fea­ture, I cre­at­ed spo­ken nar­ra­tion for a fel­low staff mem­ber who was ner­vous about using her own voice for her video nar­ra­tion.

I asked her to time the dura­tion of each slide of infor­ma­tion in her video, based on the speed at which she could say it out loud. Then I asked her to send me her writ­ten text. Using her text and rough tim­ings, I picked a female voice to recite her words and added the result­ing audio track to her video. She got a pro­fes­sion­al-sound­ing video nar­ra­tion with no stress­ful or embar­rass­ing record­ing ses­sion, and she loved the final results.

John Love

E. John Love has been CTLR's eLearning Media Developer since 2011. Before working at VCC, John spent over 20 years in the high-tech sector as an art director, graphic designer, web designer, and technical writer. Early in his career, he taught computer graphics courses for the VSB evening program and contributed in front of and behind the camera on two award-winning educational TV series for BC's Knowledge Network. John has a Fine Arts diploma from Emily Carr College of Art + Design (1989). As student and staff at ECCAD, he contributed to published research in computer-based visual literacy projects under Dr. Tom Hudson. John continues his active interest in art, technology, and new media. For over 25 years, he's also developed his love of storytelling, blogging about his family and personal history, and competing in local and international fiction contests. He published his first (and so far only) novel in 2009.

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