Pumpkin spice and everything nice: Designing our Fall Workshop Series

(Time to Read: < 1 min.)
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pix­abay

Ever won­der what goes on behind the scenes when a group of edu­ca­tion­al devel­op­ers sit around a table?

At the Cen­tre for Teach­ing, Learn­ing, and Research (CTLR) one of the things we do is year-round plan­ning on which work­shops we will offer to our instruc­tors. Typ­i­cal­ly, our work­shop ses­sions are offered three times a year, in the fall, win­ter, and spring.

It involves a bit of curat­ing, a bit of see­ing what’s out there, and a lot of fig­ur­ing out what our instruc­tor’s needs are. We grap­ple with ques­tions about ses­sion for­mat, tim­ing, fre­quen­cy, and of course, the mil­lion-dol­lar ques­tion, is it online or in-per­son or hybrid? There are usu­al­ly some big top­ics (AI, any­one?) and impor­tant top­ics for our com­mu­ni­ty col­lege such as inclu­sion and sup­port­ing diverse stu­dent needs. All good things to grap­ple with!

For this fall, after some ban­ter, research, and a lot of col­lab­o­ra­tion, we are curat­ing and offer­ing ses­sions in these areas:

  • Gen­er­a­tive AI
  • Inclu­sive Teach­ing
  • Indi­g­e­niza­tion
  • Well-Being
  • Ed Tech

Alto­geth­er, there will be 12 lunch and learn ses­sions, and we hope that instruc­tors will join us with dash­es of their expe­ri­ence and leave with some­thing they can brew with.

Learn more about the CTLR Fall Work­shop Series

Look at the CTLR Events & Work­shops Cal­en­dar

Instructional Associates

As part of the CTLR team at VCC, Instructional Associates (IAs) provide pedagogical and administrative leadership and support to VCC Faculty.

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