CRN-based Moodle shell creation and enrolment

(Time to Read: 3 mins.)
Raw course shell data used for data import­ing (CTLR)

Moo­dle course shell cre­ation and enrol­ment are the most crit­i­cal and com­mon­ly-need­ed tasks for online learn­ing at Van­cou­ver Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege.

At VCC, we use the term shell to refer to the web site con­tain­er that’s used in Moo­dle to present learn­ing mate­ri­als to online stu­dents.

In the past, at the start of each new term, depart­ments would be told a dead­line by which they would have to sub­mit their requests for new shells for their upcom­ing online cours­es.

At that time, new shell requests were com­plet­ed man­u­al­ly by CTL­R’s eLearn­ing Sup­port team (“eLSup­port”). A shell might be cre­at­ed man­u­al­ly from a copy of a pre­vi­ous ver­sion of a course, or from an emp­ty tem­plate into which the instruc­tor could add their online con­tent. Regard­less of how they were built, online cours­es all had to be cre­at­ed man­u­al­ly.

As enrol­ment steadi­ly increased at VCC, so did the num­ber of online cours­es being request­ed, and we became a vic­tim of our own suc­cess. In pre­vi­ous years, cre­at­ing online cours­es man­u­al­ly, one-by-one, for an upcom­ing term might take our team over 140 hours to com­plete. Man­u­al course shell cre­ation was not a prac­ti­cal method for the long-term. eLSup­port need­ed a more-auto­mat­ed solu­tion to scale-up with the col­lege’s increas­ing demand for online cours­es.

Developing a scalable solution for shells

By work­ing with VCC’s IT team and BCNet and con­sult­ing with col­leagues at oth­er BC post-sec­ondary insti­tu­tions, eLSup­port devel­oped a strat­e­gy to tie new course shell cre­ation to Term Codes and Course Ref­er­ence Num­bers (CRNs).

At VCC, cours­es that are sched­uled for an upcom­ing term are always assigned a Term­Code and a CRN. Com­bin­ing those two num­bers cre­ates a unique iden­ti­fi­er for each course and its relat­ed Moo­dle shell. eLSup­port is then able to know that a course shell is required for a giv­en CRN, and can cre­ate a new shell to con­tain its con­tent. Using those iden­ti­fiers, it becomes pos­si­ble to make a list of all the cours­es that are sched­uled for the upcom­ing term and to batch-cre­ate thou­sands of course shell tem­plates all at once.

With this automa­tion in place, eLSup­port had trans­formed 140 hours of work down to just one or two hours. We now had a scal­able solu­tion for the mass cre­ation of thou­sands of new Moo­dle course shells.

What about the content and enrolment for each online course?

As far as the con­tent that would be pro­vid­ed in each course, it was decid­ed that this was best left to the instruc­tors and their home depart­ments to devel­op. Instruc­tors who will be teach­ing a course in the upcom­ing term must locate it in Moo­dle by search­ing for its Term­Code and CRN, and then fol­low instruc­tions to either import or man­u­al­ly devel­op their course’s con­tent.

eLSup­port added step-by-step instruc­tions inside each new tem­plate shell to show Instruc­tors how to import con­tent from a pre­vi­ous course into their tem­plate, giv­ing them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to decide which mate­r­i­al they want­ed to re-use from a pre­vi­ous offer­ing. Sep­a­rat­ing course tem­plate pro­vi­sion from the con­tent ques­tion relieved eLSup­port of a huge amount of effort, deci­sion-mak­ing, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, putting course con­tent back into the hands of depart­ment lead­ers, instruc­tors, and sub­ject mat­ter experts.

Enrol­ments are also han­dled by CRN: Instruc­tors are enrolled accord­ing to the CRNs they are asso­ci­at­ed with, and as Stu­dents get reg­is­tered in their cours­es, auto­mat­ic scripts add them to the enrol­ment lists for their Moo­dle cours­es.

Each Moo­dle course shell remains hid­den to Stu­dents until the Instruc­tor man­u­al­ly sets its vis­i­bil­i­ty set­ting to “Show.” They can do this when­ev­er they are ready to open the course for their stu­dents. This set­ting is not con­nect­ed to the course start date set­ting, so an instruc­tor has the free­dom to open up a course a bit ear­ly if they choose.

Course Shell creation today

As of Sep­tem­ber 2024, about 80% of VCC’s Moo­dle course shells are cre­at­ed from auto­mat­ic course tem­plates that are asso­ci­at­ed with each course’s CRN.

Sim­pli­fied dia­gram of VCC’s CRN-dri­ven course tem­plate cre­ation process (CTLR).

Our stan­dard Moo­dle course tem­plate now pro­vides a con­sis­tent start­ing point for VCC instruc­tors, pro­vid­ing tips, links, and help­ful instruc­tions, hid­den from prospec­tive stu­dents. The instruc­tor has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to start import­ing or cre­at­ing course con­tent as soon as they locate their tem­plate shell.

Blair Friesen

Blair originally joined VCC's "Centre for Instructional Development" in September, 2009. He has been with VCC since 1990 and has held several positions, including working closely with Frank Fornelli (retired) to help create and manage the "Purple Door" self-paced computer lab. He has a diploma in Computer Information Systems from Langara and has also completed the Instructor Diploma Program. Blair's teaching experience includes his time in the former Business & Computer Studies Department as well as at UAG Único in Guadalajara Mexico, where he taught introductory computer courses to students of the Bilingual Administrative Assistant Program.

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